Kamis, 19 Mei 2016

Common Causes and Symptoms of Cancer Rare Diseases

Cancer is a disease that is very dangerous and scaring everyone. Until now this cancer is still a scourge for many people because of this disease berujun death. Already many people are suffering from cancer late detect symptoms lead to fatal conditions that one of them is death. This is because the symptoms of cancer is very difficult to realize. As exposure by dr. Sonar Panigoro, oncologists from Medistra, Jakarta, many people are not aware of the arrival of the cancer in their bodies, because in the initial phase it does not cause any complaints or symptoms at all. Moreover, people rarely disciplined conduct regular self examination. For example, to detect breast cancer, mammography should be done at least once a year after the age of 40. Meanwhile, to prevent cervical cancer (cervix) is done with a Pap smear. In this regard the following we will explain the causes and symptoms of cancer that is rarely realized by the public, including the following!

The disease of cancer has many causes that can support its emergence in one's body. Do you know slah one cause? Well here are some of the most common causal factors that can lead to cancer.

Because Genetic Factors
Cancers such as breast cancer itself can be caused by genetic factors. Usually for people who have families who have been diagnosed with breast cancer this then need to be careful. Start to do the check-up to determine the breast cancer present in your body.

Factors causing the second is due to be caused by age or age. For this one factor is rarely in realized by most people. Usually various types of cancer will more likely have experienced by those whose age is getting older. In addition there is a fact which reveals that 75% in this case is the parents who have started stepping at the age of 50 years.

radiation Free
Last factors which may cause the occurrence of cancer is due to the radiation-free in the body. Free radiation itself can be caused by exposure to sunlight containing ultraviolet radiation that can cause cancer.

Now that some of the causes of cancer are rarely recognized by everyone. It was not only the cause alone, gejal that accompanies cancer is also a lot of not knowing it, are as follows!

Often Felt Fever and Infection Affected
The first symptom is one of the symptoms of cancer that is rarely recognized by the public that is often felt fever and infection. But from now on alert for the symptoms And you must turn this one especially if it happens continuously for a period of time.

Often Feeling Bloating
Symptoms are both nearly the same rarely recognized as symptoms of cancer is feeling stomach feels bloated. Most of them think it is a disease caused due to colds. Especially if accompanied by a terseut bloating and pain in the waist and terajadi many times. Then you need mewaspadi if it is one of the symptoms of cancer.

Now that's an explanation of the causes and symptoms of cancer that distance in realized by everyone.
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